Above: 925 Curb Chain Bracelet & 925 Lunette Stone Ring in gold


Describe what you do for a living? 

I work as a Ceramic Artist, known for the use of organic shapes, I often reference the abstraction of the female form within my work. Creating both functional and sculptural ceramics. 



How do you get into a creative headspace?

I’ve discovered, to master my productivity I’ve taken to slow mornings with myself. I do things that fill my cup, I listen to music while I walk to the studio, stop and smell the roses, figuratively and literally (now it’s spring), take different routes each day so I can stay present and find joy in seeing new things each day.

Even just the simple act of eating nourishing food helps me feel good, when I feel good it’s easy to tap into a creative mindset and I’ll often slip into a flow state where hours pass and I can work late into the day, still feeling energised.


 Above: 925 Organica Ring Thin & 925 Organica Ring Slim in gold


Favourite Medium to work with?

I work with a range of different types of clay, sculpture clay has a heavy sand content and has a beautiful texture to work with. Using my hands is a must for me and working with a natural medium  from the earth is by far my favourite. I don’t think a day has gone by in a last year where I haven’t touched clay.


What was some advice you wish you were given when starting out?

Things always have a way of working out, trust in the process and get out of your head.



What’s your favourite Brie Leon piece (and why)?

925 Lunette Stone Ring -- It reminds me of a signet ring my dad has worn all of his life, passed on from his father.


What are you reading, listening to and watching at the moment?

I’m learning Spanish, that’s taking up time I would be reading lately, hoping we might end up in Spain for a bit, I’d love to do an artist residency over there and be able to immerse myself In the culture.

Fred again released an Album earlier in April, I’ve only just come across it, called Actual Life (April 14 - December 17 2020). It chronicles his life and love story during the pandemic, it’s such a clever album full of unique samples, there are so many layers to it’s beautiful storytelling, but not in an obvious way.

That’s been on high rotation at the studio along with numerous self betterment and health podcasts, I’m constantly fascinated to learn more about our bodies, mind and health.


Above: The Mila Bag in Chocolate Brown patent, 925 Curb Chain Bracelet & 925 Lunette Stone Ring in gold


Thank you Caitlin! @caitlinrobson